Monday, November 5, 2012

The Favourite Part

In the last week I spend 33 hours traveling. On four buses and a train. I don't know what was worse. Two buses were night buses, and anyone who has ridden a night bus before knows how horrible it is to try and sleep in a bus overnight. Unless you can fall asleep at the click of your fingers (I used to have this talent, I'm not sure where it's disappeared to...) then you arrive at your destination looking like you've walked off the set of The Walking Dead.

During some of these long trips I was sorting out my kindle. In two weeks I'm going to be embarking on a two month road trip across the United States before I move back to New Zealand. While I'm hugely excited about this trip I also know it's going to involve many, many hours of bus rides (unfortunately it's the cheapest, and most uncomfortable, way to travel). My kindle will be my best friend (not that it wasn't already).

And just slightly off topic here, I know some of you are very anti kindle, but I must stress, for me they don't replace books. I still love getting the hardcopy books, being able to flick through the pages, pour over the cover, easily flick back and forth.... but it was becoming difficult to lug heavy books with me along with my laptop, gym gear, lunch and other daily essentials on the train for an hour each way to and from work. I got a kindle for my birthday and now it goes everywhere with me. It's so lightweight and slim it hardly takes up any room, and it's meant I've started reading so much more than I used to. I've even convinced my FH to buy one which he's quite excited about.

So anyway, I was organising my collections in my kindle for hours, shuffling books around, making new 'collections' and new lists of what I want to read next when I started thinking about the whole 'book reading process'.

I was trying to figure out which part of reading a book is my favourite part.  It could be the beginning when you have the whole book full of adventure to look forward to; the middle where you're wanting to know what happens next and can't quite put the book down but you've got plenty of the book left to look forward to; the climax, when you won't let anyone talk to you because you must...keep....reading!; or just after the conflict has been resolved and the book is wrapping up, when you know you're finishing this adventure and you're almost ready to pick your next book.

I asked my FH what his favourite part is, and he said "half way through when you know there's no turning back, when it's pulled you in and you have to finish the book to know how the story ends." I do love that part too, but I'm not sure if that's my favourite part, my favourite is at the climax near the end, when the tension is so high and your head has gone all buzzy and you can't think of anything else but what is going to happen in the book. There's also the knowledge that the book is coming to and end soon and you're going to get to pick out your next book soon.

So what is your favourite part of the reading process? Is there a time when your favourite part lets you down? Perhaps it's when it's not enough of a page turner, or when the book drags, or when it doesn't quite give you the satisfaction you were looking for.... thoughts?


  1. Ugh, I hear you about long bus rides. I've done a few 24 hour long trips and that was no fun. As for kindles, while nothing can replace the smell of a book or the feel of the pages, they're definitely convenient. My hubby carts his around with him everywhere. My lovely sister just gave me her old e-reader (a kobo) because I'm a bit behind the times and I'm know it will come in very handy. About my favourite part of a book, I'd have to agree with your FH. I love being smack in the middle of a good story, far enough in that I'm totally hooked, but with plenty of pages left to enjoy :)

    1. Yep, they're pretty nasty! And now, I'm about to go head on into another round of long bus rides. Yup, they are certainly convenient. Especially as moving to America I knew any books I purchased I wouldn't be able to keep, and the NYPL is pretty inconvenient to get to so the Kindle's been amazing!

      Yeah, I have to say, it's nice to know you're half way through and still have lots left to discover!

  2. I have to agree about e-readers. I have a Kindle and I find it super handy for travelling, for purchasing good self-pubbed books, and for taking advantage of sweet deals on books I've been meaning to get to. Often authors will tweet when their book is up for cheap on Amazon or B&N.

    As for my favourite part of books, I think I have to agree with your FH. That middle part of the book can mean the difference between cheering because you're totally sucked in, or groaning because you're so far in you don't want to quit (even when the book doesn't float your boat). :)

    1. They're SO handy! And so lightweight! My man got the new paperwhite, and it's so cool, I want one of them now! He walks home from the train station in the pitch black night...reading! Nice for some! And I definitely love the sweet kindle deals!
